Get the most out of your energy (while reducing your bill)

In this article we will look at:
- How to measure the way your home uses energy
- Tips to cut down on energy waste (and costs)
- Home improvements (and financial help) that can increase energy efficiency
How to measure the energy use in your own home
The key to using less energy at home is knowing how you use it in the first place. Do you always fill the kettle no matter how many cups of tea you’re making? Are there some rooms you use a lot more than others? Is there always a cold draught in one spot in your home?
If you have a smart meter the easiest way to check on how you use energy is to get Oxfordshire County Council’s FREE Energy Saver app which links to your phone and can tell you exactly where your energy is being used in your home and can also offer money-saving advice based on your use. Some lucky Energy Saver App users will also be offered energy saving appliances (like solar panels, batteries and heat pumps) for a low monthly fee!
Or you can do your own energy survey – checking on thermostat temperature, filling the washing machine so there are fewer loads, not leaving everything on standby, checking the type of lightbulbs you have. The Coop’s DIY home energy audit has some good ideas to help with this.
If you’re looking at making more extensive energy-saving improvements such as adding solar panels, air source heat pumps or insulation then there are organisations who can do this for you. Cosy Homes Oxfordshire has a free ‘plan builder’ as well as more bespoke advice for a fee.

Tips to cut down on wasted energy
The Energy Saving Trust has some advice on easy changes to lower energy bills. See how much you can save here.
- Lower the temperature slightly on the thermostat as long as it stays comfortable
- Use a radiator key to ‘bleed’ radiators so they heat up completely
- Put radiator foil to reflect heat back in the room
- Insulate gaps around doors and windows
- Only fill the kettle to boil the water you need
- Ensure the washing machine is full when you use it and run at a lower temperature (30-40 degrees) or eco cycle if it has it.
- Cut showers down to four minutes
- Change to low energy LED lightbulbs
- Use a slow cooker if you have one – and batch cook
- Switch off lights in rooms not occupied and switch off standby
Have you considered upgrading your home?

If you want to take it a step further with investment – either your own or - if you’re eligible - government grants there are several available or coming soon e.g. Warm Homes, Government boiler upgrade scheme and the Great British insulation scheme.
Some community action groups offer free or low cost fixes – contact Draughtbusters in Abingdon, Kidlington, Wallingford and Wantage.
All private rented tenants, landlords and homeowners can contact Better Housing Better Health on 0800 1070044 for information about grants towards free or discounted insulation, boilers and draught proofing.
Oxfordshire County Council has some info for those looking to retrofit their homes.
Examples of energy-saving home improvements
- Insulation in the loft, underfloor and in walls where appropriate.
- Double or triple glaze your windows.
- Solar panels to create your own energy.
- Air source heat pumps. The government has a simple online questionnaire to check whether a heat pump would be suitable for your home.